
We’ve been using our Twitter feed more and more often to share great quotes, brief thoughts, and links. That’s the place to go if you desperately need more Venture Hacks in your life. You can also subscribe via RSS and email (no more than one email a day).

Here are some of our latest and greatest tweets:

“Persistence isn’t using the same tactics over and over. Persistence is having the same goal over and over.” – Seth Godin

“The best business plan is to sell people the things they want.” – Stephan Schmidt

“Startups need to develop an initial product with the least number of features that can sell to the most people.” – Brett Owens

How to measure your lawyers: (1) How quickly do they turn things around? (2) How many mistakes are in the product? Forget other metrics.” – Venture Hacks [We later added “(3) Cost” to the list.]

“For heavens sake, if you haven’t gotten comfy with Agile techniques and thinking, get on it right now.” – Tim Bray

“Every fund has a silver bullet—someone who can kill any deal—and a lead bullet—someone who can’t get any deal done.” – Anonymous VC

“If an investor can’t give you a deadline for a yes/no, and you can’t force a deadline for a yes/no, you shouldn’t be talking to investors.” – Venture Hacks

“If they’re talking to you, you have leverage.” – Christopher Voss

Thanks to everyone who has ever sent us a tweet @venturehacks. We can’t respond to every message, but we read and appreciate them all.

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