Some AngelList applicants don’t want to send their pitch to everyone on the list. Maybe they don’t want to send their pitch to angels who have competitive investments. Or they simply don’t want to distribute their pitch widely.

No problem. Use the ‘Custom Intros’ feature when you apply to AngelList:

We can give you custom intros, a mass intro, or both. Most startups ask for both. Even when we’ve already done a mass intro for a startup, custom intros get high response rates — about 50%.

And how do you research the angels you want intros to? Guess.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the introduction to this new introduction.

Topics AngelList · Introductions

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  • Rui Curado

    My own reason to pitch to only some of the angels: Location. I’m based in Europe so there’s little reason to pitch to most of the Angels…